Home SCRUTINY of AM Candidates for ICC Directors Grading scale : 10 Maximum

SCRUTINY of AM Candidates for ICC Directors Grading scale : 10 Maximum


On 28th June 2022 ICC communicated a list of 7 candidates with due validity for the election but on 8th July 2022, ICC circular validate only 6 candidates, eligible for the forthcoming  Associate Member Directors election on 23rd July, 2022 at Birmingham, UK. 


We took the  liberty to grade each candidate up to a scale of +10, after scrutinizing independently, assuming from their meritocracy and achievements in the field of Cricket Administration till date and propriety to serve by defending interest of 95 Associate members, which constitute 88.87% of Total ICC Membership.




Undoubtedly the tallest Cricket Administrator as the representative of Associate members in the history of ICC. 


He is the only uninterrupted longest Serving member of Board of Director of ICC and is considered as one of the architects of new ICC constitution of 2017 when number of ICC Board of Directors with Voting rights changed from 10  to 17 Directors including 3 Associate Representative Directors as well as their inclusion in various committees of ICC governing body. 


One of the main pioneers along with another ICC AM Director Neil Speight was successful with the ICC Board to upheld the financial situation of then 94 Associate Members to remain constant in 2020 and 2021 score card grant payments during COVID 19 pandemic period. This was indeed a very tough call because when cricket was totally closed among AM members and drastic reduction of ICC revenue to be earned mainly through Full members as was initially scheduled. Other global confederations for team sports could not assist its weaker members at the same proportion to prior and post Pandemic and ICC Associate Members are probably the unique benefiters  during this difficult period. 


Since 2020 election till date there had been 7 direct communications to all 94 Associate members by Imran Khwaja informing about the AM status and Board policies relevant to AMs - Associate Members as the AM Director in Board and Chairman of AMs. 


Very much accessible to all AM members through electronic / mobile communications in one to one capacity to attend various nature of member’s preoccupations and did necessary call-on with management for a justifiable remedies within the parameter of ICC regulations. It is estimated that around 144 approaches by numerous AMs have been directly expedited by IMRAN between mid 2020 and mid 2022. 


However in our opinion there have been certain ingredients could have been handled better as the Senior most AM Director and member of ICC board in terms of chronology of  duration, such as addressing of players eligibility criteria and  prevention process of Age fraud by U19 players. 


One of the principal dreams of IMRAN is believed to be Introduction of Single Tier ICC membership through perception of Good Governance despite having some serious obstacles. We believe he will succeed again as he did earlier my merging Affiliates and Associates into one tier. 


He is also an Independent Chairman of AMs and Vice Chairman of ICC. 


At present the biggest global team sports confederation FIFA is having and following such perception of having one tier membership. 


We grade IMRAN KHWAJA in a scale : 09/ 10 




Undoubtedly the 2nd most, after Imran KHWAJA, successful and experienced AM representative as ICC Director, is Neil SPEIGHT of Bermuda. 


A silent WARRIOR  marks his presence and leaves his foot prints only through deliverance of success, be it in Bermuda or at Global stage as an elected Director of ICC, representing AMs. Neil is serving as an ICC Director for 8 years to be superseded only by Imran. 


Since 2020 when he was elected again till date, the genius  with numbers and visionary on Financial Management took rock solid logical position on UNCHANGED distribution of ICC funding to Associate members during Pandemic period, jointly with Imran. ICC Board by absolute majority approved the proposal. 


As an hard core and indispensable finance manager, Neil is a regular face to be nominated now and then by ICC Board for Prestigious ICC Audit Committee. Now in addition to audit committee Neil is also an indispensable person for HR and Remuneration Committee of ICC and clearly his integrity and impartial status to upheld financial implications to sustain the vast ICC effective structure as to see the total,  non-compromised and unconditional interest of Associate Member grants are not affected. 


Like his senior AM colleague in ICC Board, Neil maintained a very transparent and detailed electronic communication with Associate members, who have elected him to represent them and their interest in ICC highest decision making Brady.  Since his last election Associate members were well informed in the financial status of members and any quarries to him have been respectfully venerated by him. 


Through our random scrutiny we found that Neil as an AM Director to ICC board, 6  reports were sent out to AM members since 2020 with proper attainment to numerous post enquiries by members within the parameter of ICC Director’s funcional obligations; especially obligations to its member who have elected him. 


In fact Neil is a phenomenal defender of financial justice and transparency, thus wants further continuous and clear communication with AM members. 


Through his silent actions and polite but strong logical conviction  in ICC Board, Neil is considered to many members as the possessor of amalgamated Cricket Culture who is able to bridge the differences among different regional financial needs and approaches. This is a very tricky area but for a highly classified Bermudian Charter Accountant with Caucasian British hereditarian formation and happily married to an Asian Lady have  probably created an unique inbuilt metaphor to see, study and connect problems for a best solution to AM members. 


For many members Neil is the synonym to financial stability for 88.87% of ICC members. Probably this perception is more of an emotional than realistic but again, no doubt that as we see now Neil SPEIGHT is the indispensable and high-valued AM rep in ICC board.


Notwithstanding principal negative assessment about Neil could be his main virtues. His “Silent” tag within critical arguments among policy makers in different committees  projects him as the “loud non-beligerantes”  in the pack but also can be seen as a gentleman belongs to righteous of causes and not to any “Lobbies”. Yes, final results speak louder than silent. 


As per our gathered information that there are no examples, not even as close as by miles when an Associate member Country was granted by Non-ICC entity a bewilder amount of $11 million Dollars for the 4 years development program. Yes it happened to Bermuda Cricket body under Neil Speight magnificent leadership of Neil SPEIGHT in 2006. 


We grade NEIL SPEIGHT in a scale : 08/10 





Undoubtedly an asset for Malaysian Cricket Association and undoubtedly took Malaysia Cricket to a new height as a President of Malaysian Cricket Association. HRH Tunku d&Imran, one of the venerated name of Global sports who at the helm of Malaysia Cricket Association till 2011 for 20 years, probably the worthy role model of Mahinda who served Malaysia Cricket Association for permissible 3 terms till 2021. 


There should not be any question on honesty, sincerity and dedication of Mahinda to defend the interest os Associate Members as their Director in ICC Board as well as his participation in Development Committee and Audit Committee. 


Mahinda is in ICC Board for near 3 terms.


It is well known among Associate Members about various achievements of Malaysian Cricket Association,  like hosting cricket in commonwealth games, hosting cricket in South East Asia Games as well as in recent years hosting various ICC tournaments in different age groups, male and female  also hosting numerous tournaments of ACC - Asian Cricket Council in different age groups, male and female. 


Also during the difficult hours of Pandemic, Malaysia Cricket Association took up multifarious online cricket programs , ZOOM discussions etc. which all undeniably placed Malaysia Cricket Association on top in the  virtual global cricket initiatives in difficult periods. It was free for all if anybody wanted to login through Malaysia Cricket Association, could do so. 


Despite great work done by Mahinda for Malaysia Cricket Association, regrettably we could not find an easily seen benefaction for Associate Members on his initiative as an AM Director in ICC board for near 5 years.  There are 3 conjectures could be conveniently seen or applicable under the circumstances:


a) Mahinda is essentially known as the principal and vehement oppose force to many policies of the Chairman of ICC Associate members for being not to the interest of AMs, hence could not exercise many of his own correct ideas.


b) Mahinda did not communicate to AM members who voted him to his official position as the AM Director in ICC Board related above point a).


c) We were unable to collect data or information from anywhere of last 5 years on any communication was sent to AMs, whatsoever subject, related Associate members on development policies & programs whatsoever nature it may be, which are incorrect or correct decisions, prejudicial  or beneficial for AMs, from Mahinda as the elected AM Director in ICC board.


Delightfully we found 2 section of voting members, one section fully support him as they see him being the constructive balancing force on policy makings through typical favor  or against  on democratic decisions, where as another section believes that reticent attitude against any so called "wrong doing" under the pretext of destitute is not acceptable. Must be voiced and communicated or should be considered betrayal to AMs. 


We grade MAHINDA VALLIPURAM in a scale : 05/10 




Around 150 years back, from a coastal village Mandvi, Kutch area of Gujarat in India, Ramdas Thackersey migrated to Sultanate of Oman with his son Ramdas KHIMJI and in 1870 established the Company which is considered today as KR - KHIMJI Ramdas Group, a multigenerational family conglomerate. 


Pankaj Khimji, son of Kanaksi Khimji is a fifth generation KHIMJI and presumably one of the six shareholders, Director of KR Group. 


Upbringing, education, Government and private Business Council involvements and lastly discharging as one of the Directors of KR Group, are very impressive for this young Omani. 


Pankaj's progress and active participation in wide-span of entrepreneurship within KR Group and for the future of various companies of the group are unequivocally laudable but development of companies for financial gains and development of cricket from non-profitable associative philosophy for the spirit of cricket are two distinctive conventions.  


Shockingly we see a pattern of serious incompatibility of Pankaj between success as a Director in KR Group multigenerational family conglomerate and as a Chairman of Oman Cricket. 


On papers probably both are equally success story but in reality - they are far apart. No doubt, KR Group is a Success in Oman but let us analyze Pankaj's sincere effort and success story as a present Chairman of Oman Cricket, after 22 years since Oman became ICC member. 


 Oman Cricket became ICC affiliate member in 2000 and ICC Associate member after 14 years in 2014. 


… Population of Oman is at present day around 4,900,000 ( 4.9 million) and

It also have around 800,000 Indian Citizens and around 250,000 Pakistani Citizens, primarily as expatriate work force. 

Around 16% Indians and around 5% Pakistanis.


… Around 72% of ICC Development Scorecard criteria are occupied by Indian and Pakistani Citizens. Around 95% of playing categories for developments still occupied by Indians and Pakistanis. 


… Oman earned approx. $380,000 USD in 2022 from ICC Dev. Scorecard grant.


Following players represent Oman and they are 100% foreign citizens for ICC international tournament, but eligible to play through ICC residency criteria:


Zeeshan Maqsood; Suraj Kumar; Shoaib Khan; Wasim Ali; Sufyan Mahmood; Nawaz Kuhrram, Sandeep Goud, Naseem Khusi, Ameer Kaleem, Aquib Ilyas, Bilal Khan, Fayyaz Butt, Jatinder Singh, Kaleemullah, Khawar Ali, Nestor Dhamba, Mohammed Nadeem etc. etc. 


… Oman is expected to earn approx. $810,000 USD in 2022 as Competition grant for qualifying various ICC tournaments but playing with 100% foreign citizens, resided in Oman in 2022, after 22 years of DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS. 


Estimated total grant to receive from ICC in 2022 is $1,190,000 USD under Chairmanship of Pankaj Khimji.


Furthermore it is believed that Pankaj is a staunch supporter for the special FINANCIAL BENEFIT to top 10 ranked Associate Members. 


It is strongly alleged that the main source of cultivation for Indian and Pakistani expatriate players are influence of KR - Khimji Ramdas Group, which believed to be employing around 5000 work force of various nationalities. 


We also noted that Duleep Mendis, former Test and ODI player of Sri Lanka and holder of second highest national award DESHMANYA of the Sri Lanka is employed by Oman Cricket as a Chief Development officer, logically to develop maximum Indian and Pakistani expatriates; is sending introduction and appeal letter on behalf of Pankaj Khimji to all ICC voting Associate Members to Vote for his BOSS in the AM Director election. 


Also we are aware of Curriculum Vitae been circulated by ICC of respective candidates. In Pankaj Kanakshi Khimji CV he addressing  himself as HIS EXCELLENCY and we do not have any doubt about his entitlement to this Honorific Prefix for his heirloom in KR - Group and to be honest we find 90% of his CV is articulating about his acts in multigenerational family conglomerate and less than 10% about His Excellency’s  Cricket contribution. 


Somehow it remind us an old proverb said by Mongolian General and statesman  Kublai Khan, grand son of warrior Ghenghis Khan : "one can conquer the empire on horseback, but one cannot govern it on horseback". 


Future of Pankaj as the head of KR Group possibly will hold successful  demeanor but his cricket development track record is definitely will guide cricket to a certain "expatriate oriented global game"  if he is elected. 


We grade Pankaj Khimji in a scale : 02 / 10 




The story of Mark Stafford is the replica of what Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland said "…….try, try and first you don't succeed try, try and try again." But if any one plunge deeper will find how a genuine encouragement is converted into a genuine paradox when applied to scrutinize the cricket  journey of Mark Stafford. 


 Information from many associate members, various articles already published and some of his communication to members demonstrate that his tendentious leadership in his Cricket journey always given a knot on the thread before to be allowed to pass through an eye of a needle. 


Few examples:


… Questionable promotion of Vanuatu from ICC Affiliate to ICC Associate membership in 2009  when he was Affiliate member rep in Dev. Committee. 


… Vanuatu got 9200% rise in ICC grant just by the mere promotion. 


… Contesting for ICC Board election as an AMs Director since 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020 and always lost the election. Greed for power is unmistakably manifested.


… In 2018 after loosing badly in ICC board of Director's election with just 6 votes in his favor he convinced African delegates with his typical "leftist" talk, to support him in the next CEC election of ICC in 2019.


… African countries believing in him nominated and seconded for CEC election in 2019 and for the first time he won an ICC Associate members election. 


… In his first meeting at ICC committee,  after being elected, HE VOTED AGAINST THE RESOLUTION PASSED BY FULL HOUSE ICC ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AT ICC ANNUAL CONFERENCE related surplus 37.5 million USD distribution to all AMs. 


… Satisfaction is antonym to word GREED and Mark Stafford even after betraying Associate Members as the elected AM rep in CEC, mentioned above; Mark submitted his Candidature for ICC Board of Director election as an AM Director in 2020 for the fourth time and lost again, though he was still an elected CEC member as an AM rep. ITS A PARADOX TO KING ROBERT THE BRUCE’s famous saying…..try try try again. 


… In our opinion, shamelessly by sheer greed, Mark stood again for CEC Re-Election in 2021 and by then he had been exposed to all Associate members and got only 8 Votes. 



… Here we are attaching a part from an article published earlier on 18th July 2021


"The latest false Samaritan  movements Mark Stafford has taken the initiative for eye washing popularity among members is about INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR PLAYERS AGAINST COVID 19, defying 2 fundamental rules applicable to most of the members. Those are:

  1. 1. Foreign Insurance companies are not permitted to aid valid coverage to any national Teams against COVID 19 to play abroad. Only National health insurance providers are permitted. 
  2. 2. Being Pandemic, from treatment to medical aid / insurances are strictly regulated by Government Entities on its citizens and residents. This is variable after periodical assessments by Respective Governments. "

Blogger Iragena Uwimana identifies Mark Stafford as "Mark Stafford - Wolf in Sheep's Clothings? " We also read the famous article through link


We grade Mark Stafford in a scale  (-5 ) / 10




There can not be more appropriate example at present of the phrase Glittering Generalities to anybody other than MUBASHSHIR. 


If the character of Glittering Generalities is also having common parasitical human nature then sportsmanship fatality through falsehood is guaranteed and one should avoid such personalities at all cost. 


We have access to his CV which has been circulated to all Voting Associate members as per SOP for AM candidates and also we have collected information from others who are associated with him and also some associated members. 


Let us epitomize with certain facts on this specific gentleman candidate called MUBASHSHIR.



  • • In his CV under the very first title "Experience and Achievements"  Mubashshir  started with "Currently serving as an elected member…….." and there after, and after and after …..  , nothing is spoken about his EXPERIENCE which is ostensibly referred to be his past,  before he is been " Appointed to the position of General Secretary, Emirate Cricket Board in 2018."


  • • Without any twist, in a clean language as stated in point 2.1.1 under Director Eligibility Criteria : 


  • • 2.1.1 he/she must not currently hold a position of employment with a Member;”


  • • From a middle class family in Maharashtra, India MUBASHSHIR came to UAE for a better financial stability like thousands of his countrymen do, not for any charitable services but was appointed as a General Secretary to ECB Board in 2018, and it is not a honorary appointment. 


  • The word Appointment means as per Oxford definition " Chosen for a Particular Job"  and as per Bible the definition is " to be put in an office in order to function fully and accomplish a task ( Genesis 30:28) " . Obviously we take Oxford definition for his own language. 


  • • As there is no income tax on salaries or wages paid in the UAE, salary earned in UAE is also non taxable for NRI in India but if his income exceeds Rs. 2,50,000 ( @3,300 USD) in a financial year, they are required to file an income tax return in India. Undoubtedly he does. 


Let us now scrutinize loud declaration of Mubashshir’s Glittering Generalities in the CV. 

It is highly ambiguous for an Indian Employee, without any reasonable past professional background, without any notable educational qualification; declaring that on his  Exclusive Direction some millions and millions of equivalent USD worth sports activities of rich foreign sports bodies took place in UAE. 


Even to make it more ridiculous, the same employee is taking  narcissistic credit for the cash fluttering cricket Infrastructure developments in UAE. Obviously it may be understandable the existence of class-deficit of this individual, because his bluffly ambitious aim to sit in the table with other 16 highest decision making Individuals of Global Cricket, is crossing the height of Burj Khalifa. 


Categorically we denounce such cheap propaganda of Mubashshir to global Associate members of ICC specially when real architects and finance management entities are led by Mr. Khaleed Al Zarooni with  the blessing of HH Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan and the honorable team of Mr. Zayed Abbas, Dr. Tayeb Kamli, Mr Omar Al Askari and others. 



Common parasitical human nature is like original and that is, parasites alter the behavior of their host in such a way as to suggest a hijacking of their ability to make decisions. However, how parasites manipulate their hosts is not an esoteric topic, fascinating with its evocation of gruesome zombie movies involving body snatchers.


We can not ignore, expressly what Abraham Lincoln said:


"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."


We grade Mubashshir Usmani in a scale :  (-10) / 10 



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